今天, marks the beginning of a new era for San Jose Water as Eric Thornburg takes the reins from Rich Roth, SJW即将退休的首席执行官.  Rich was President and 首席执行官 of SJW Group, our parent company, for more than 20 years. Eric comes to our company with 35 years of experience in the water industry. Most recently he served as the President and 首席执行官 of Connecticut Water Service, Inc.  He also worked for American Water Works Corporation and Missouri-American Water. Eric is looking forward to joining the San Jose Water team and getting to know his new home town. We had the opportunity to learn a bit more about him in a recent Q&A.


I am actually a third generation water professional. My grandfather was a distribution maintenance employee in Pennsylvania.  My father in turn started his career as a water treatment operator.  When I was in college I was pretty certain that I would not follow in their footsteps.  But it came down to a choice of Management Trainee jobs for either Coca-Cola or the Keystone Water Company in Norristown, Pa., which is a pretty wide range of options to be sure!  My dad helped me decide by posing the question “would you rather sell a sugary drink or serve safe drinking water”?  我马上就知道下一步该做什么了.


培训生项目很棒. 我看仪表, 完成服务工作, 固定的泄漏, 了电源, 安装服务, 当过过滤员.  I also designed main extensions (I ordered way too many bends on my first project!) worked in accounting, the rate department and then finished my year in operation’s services.  While I never would say I learned everything in each job, I learned that the people were dedicated professionals who cared about their customers and the importance of what they did.  这就是专业!  To this day, I make better decisions because of that experience and the lessons learned.


我致力于成为一个“服务型领导者”.“为我领导的人服务是我的责任, making sure that they have what they need to best serve their customers and be successful.

平台登录都有客户!  有些是外部的.  有些是内部的.  I have found in my life that when we serve each other, 为彼此的成功而努力, 发生了一些非常强大的事情.  Not only does it work for the individual you are serving, 团队, 但你也会发现,你要成功得多.

信任绝对是关键.  I will be relentless in my pursuit of earning the trust of our team in San Jose and Texas.  You will hear me talking about trust quite a bit as we get to know one another.

What excites you about the future of the water profession?

We all know that people will work for a paycheck and perhaps some occasional recognition.  Yet I think that women and men really long to be part of something special and forge something enduring.  Serving life sustaining high quality water to families and communities is just that!  So I am very excited to be part of that profession.


人总是让团队与众不同.  But I have much to learn about San Jose Water and its people. While I know our profession well, I do not know the culture that exists here yet.  在这里工作感觉怎么样?  你有什么值得骄傲的?  平台登录还能在哪些方面做得更好?  有什么是平台登录应该开始或停止做的吗? 

So I will be asking a lot of question in my first 100 days.  当我这样做的时候,我更喜欢“直言不讳”! 

And one other thought…as a leader, I believe you “honor the past, but move forward.”  So let’s decide together what we want San Jose Water “to be” and get after it!

What are you most looking forward to as part of your move to the west coast?

家庭!  My daughter lives in the Los Angeles area and I have cousins in Fresno.  My wife Melissa’s father lives outside of Austin, so that’s great too.  自然, 进入一个新社区的经历, meeting people and learning about what the area has to offer is very appealing as well.  平台登录喜欢户外活动.  And we’re thrilled to have left the snow blower back in Connecticut. 就是这样!


My wife Melissa and I have been happily married for 33 years.  她是一个很棒的生活伴侣. Melissa was a teacher by training but our frequent moves made that a challenge.  平台登录有一个儿子,韦斯利,和一个女儿,艾丽卡.  Wesley lives in Orlando, Florida and is a logistics/supply chain professional.  他喜欢奥兰多市中心...一个远离主题公园的充满活力、多样化的区域! 

Erica works in Pasadena for a marketing and advertising firm.  Her clients are all non-profits and charities, which she really loves.  My parents live in Richmond, Indiana and are incredibly active and supportive.


What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

I am an avid runner…I played soccer in college and enjoyed the game for many years after.  But decided to hang up the cleats 7 years ago and took up running and got bit by it!  I have completed a number of marathons including New York and Boston (twice).  这是一种激情!

We are also active supporters of “Water for People.” My daughter and I traveled to Rwanda to see first hand the impact that safe drinking water has on the lives of people.  这改变了我的生活.

And on an even more personal note, my two brothers are both retired Marines.  我最小的弟弟实际上是一名战斗老兵.  Because of their service and sacrifice, I am passionate about our vets.  在我看来,这是个大问题.  There is a lot of suffering that goes on many years after their service is complete.

What three words would most people use to describe you?

Well I did not want to answer that question on my own…. 所以我找了三个同事帮忙.  他们选择了真诚、积极和忠诚. I will do all that I can to live up to those words starting today. 等不及了!
