
There are times your water may look a little strange. 下面, 您将找到各种可能的颜色/一致性的描述,以帮助诊断问题. 变色并不总是很严重,通常可以通过简单地打开水龙头来解决.

如果问题不能自行解决, or if it is a color that indicates something more significant, 请致电(408)279-7900与客户服务部联系.


  • Does it occur with just the cold water, the hot water, or both?
  • 是不是每个水龙头都有问题?
  • Does it occur only when you first turn on the water or does it occur continuously?
  • 你第一次注意到这个问题是什么时候?
  • 你的邻居也有同样的问题吗?
  • Do you know what type of pipes you have in your home (i.e.(铜、镀锌铁)?
  • 你有任何家庭治疗设备吗.e., 软水器, 反渗透系统, whole house filtration system or point-of-use activated carbon filter)?  


If you are experiencing cloudiness in the cold water, hot water or both hot and cold water the cloudiness is caused by tiny air bubbles. When water temperatures are cold (<50ᵒF) extra oxygen molecules are readily accepted by the water molecule (H2O). 水和空气被压在水管里,就像一瓶苏打水. 当你打开水龙头, 压力释放了, 让气泡出现, just as removing the cap from a soda bottle causes the soda to fizz. If you allow a glass of water to stand for a few moments, the cloudiness will begin to clear at the bottom and rise to the top. This phenomenon is called entrained air and does not affect the quality of your water. 这种水完全可以安全饮用.



This could indicate an internal plumbing problem in your house. Many houses have galvanized iron pipe or galvanized fixtures, 当内部的锌涂层磨损变薄时, the water comes in contact with bare iron causing it to become discolored. The longer the water stays static in the pipes, the more the discolored it will become. 这就是为什么这个问题通常在你早上第一次打开水龙头时就会很明显.

Flush the line for a minute or so and the water should become clear. 铁在食用时不会对健康造成危害. Iron is an essential nutrient and is only considered an aesthetic issue.



浅黄色到深红褐色的水通常是由水管中管道沉积物的扰动引起的. 变色是由存在于所有水系的自然形成的沉积物中溶解的铁引起的.


  • Planned cleaning of the water main to remove pipeline sediments in your area.
  • 消防部门打开或关闭你家附近的消火栓进行压力测试可能会搅动沉淀物.
  • Pipeline repair work (or construction activity) in the area can also contribute.
  • 变化是水源导致水流向不同的方向,搅动了管道中的沉积物.

铁是一个美学问题,并不是水不安全或总水管完整性受损的标志. 消毒剂残留,以确保水是安全的家庭使用, 包括烹饪和饮酒. 如果你遇到这种类型的变色水,采取预防措施,清理洗衣房的管道,以防止衣物被污染. 请致电客户服务部408-279-7900报告任何在几小时内未清除的污渍.



当水呈现灰色或黑色时,通常是由管道中沉积物的干扰引起的.  The discoloration is caused by presence of manganese. Manganese is naturally occurring sediment and is an aesthetic issue. 锰沉积物的存在并不意味着水不安全或水管的完整性受到损害. 消毒剂残留,以确保水是安全的家庭使用, 包括烹饪和饮酒. 如果你遇到这种类型的变色水,采取预防措施,清理洗衣房的管道,以防止衣物被污染. 请致电客户服务部408-279-7900报告任何变色持续时间超过24小时的内部冲洗或清除,但每隔几天就会返回.

Having 蓝色的 water is very uncommon can be an indicator of copper corrosion. 这在有全新铜管的家庭或有饮水机的场所最常见. 如果你的家最近重新装修过, flush your home and wait to drink the water until the water is clear. If you have soda fountains with carbonation and are experiencing 蓝色的 water, 蓝冰,或者如果顾客在你的店里描述水很苦或胃不舒服, shut down the soda fountains immediately and contact your beverage supplier.  请立即拨打客服502.583.6610报告此问题.



静止的水,比如在一个白色的浴缸里,有时会有一种绿色的色调. Fluorescent lighting can also give the water a 绿色 appearance. 为了测试这个, fill a white bucket with water and take it outside, 在自然光下不应有可见的颜色. If the water still appears 绿色 please call Customer Service at 408-279-7900.



The 粉红色的/red/orange discoloration that you see on bathroom fixtures, 灌浆, and shower curtains come from a biofilm of the bacteria Serratia marcescens, 经常被误称为“粉红霉菌”.  It prefers areas that are moist, such as a shower or drain. Serratia feeds on mineral deposits, toothpaste residue, and soap scum. Serratia is an airborne bacterium and cannot survive in your water supply. 

The biofilm of Serratia marcescens can be removed with a little elbow grease. 一些专业人士建议将四分之一杯小苏打和一汤匙液体洗洁精混合. 用软毛刷, 所以不要划伤固定装置的表面, loosen the patches of biofilm and rinse them away. 你应该采取预防措施,戴上手套和防护眼镜,尽量减少与细菌的接触. 

仅仅擦洗生物膜是不够的,还必须对该区域进行消毒,杀死任何残留的细菌菌落,以防止其重新生长. 建议使用含漂白剂的抗菌清洁剂来杀死残留的细菌. 将清洁剂喷在患处,静置至少10分钟,因为细菌与消毒剂接触的时间是关键. Using another soft bristle brush, scrub all surfaces and rinse. This process may need to be repeated every few days until all the colonies are removed.



黑色的 particles can come from three common sources: a broken water filter, 退化的水龙头垫圈或垫圈, or a disintegrating black rubber flexible supply line hose (for a water heater, 洗衣机, 或者厨房水龙头, 等.). 

如果粒子很硬, 相似的大小和形状相似的, 看起来像大块的咖啡渣, 它们可能是颗粒状活性炭(GAC)颗粒,来自您安装的GAC水过滤器内部. 更换滤芯或咨询制造商或向您出售滤芯的供应商.

If the particles are solid but rubbery in texture, they could be pieces of an old disintegrating faucet washer or gasket. 如果这是问题所在, 这些颗粒可能只存在于一个水龙头上,而那个水龙头已经在泄漏了. Replace the faucet washers and the packing at the ends of the supply lines.

如果颗粒是黑色的小颗粒,可以很容易地涂抹在两个手指之间, 或者有焦油一样的稠度, they are probably from the inside of a flexible hose connected to the water heater. These black rubber hoses are covered with a braided stainless steel mesh. Over time, the chloramine in the water causes the rubber to break down. The flexible line will need to be replaced; we recommend that you contact a licensed plumber to assure that all fixtures meet local plumbing codes.



棕色或橙色的颗粒可能是从水管或水管内部脱落的铁锈颗粒. 这些颗粒很硬, 不规则的大小和形状不规则的, and can be several different colors (including black). This type of sediment is an aesthetic issue and not considered a health hazard.

水中出现棕色或橙色颗粒的另一个常见原因是软水器故障. 颗粒的大小将是均匀的, 通常是鱼卵的大小, and are brown or orange and feel spherical if rubbed between your fingers. 这些微珠被一层薄膜包裹在软化装置内,随着时间的推移,薄膜会破裂, releasing millions of these microbeads into your water lines. 如果您能找到您的软化剂的旁通阀,您可以暂时解决这个问题,直到您可以打电话给您的服务代理进行维修. 如果设备不使用,你要确保没有连接到你的内部管道, even if the device is unplugged it can affect your water quality.



White or tan particles in the water usually come from internal plumbing. 这种材料是管状或“硬度”,是碳酸钙和碳酸镁的混合物. 碳酸钙和碳酸镁是天然存在的矿物质,不会危害健康. 

The water heater is another source for white or tan particles. 当水被加热时, calcium and magnesium carbonates can precipitate out of the water, 形成白色或褐色砂状沉积物的. As you use the hot water, these minerals can be carried along. To keep mineral deposits from accumulating in the water heater, follow the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions of your water heater.



水垢留在固定装置上的水垢或沉淀物, 白色的表面, and pots after water evaporates are calcium and magnesium carbonates. These are naturally occurring minerals and do not pose a health hazard. 这些沉积物可能呈绿色, 蓝色的, 或棕色, having been colored by tiny amounts of the metals found in your water pipes or fixtures. Carbonate deposits can be dissolved with white vinegar. Dishwasher deposits can be minimized by using a commercial conditioner, 通过使用液体洗涤剂和使用空气干而不是洗碗机上的动力干设置. 在将商业产品用于您的设备之前,请务必参考制造商的建议.

Flushing Internally after a discolored water event

Start by flushing the cold water faucet in the bathtub for five minutes. After the tub faucet runs clear, flush all of the other cold water household faucets.

If discolored water has been drawn into the hot water system, 它可能会继续变色,直到变色被使用冲走或沉淀.

如果你经历黄色, 请拨打客户服务电话(408)279-7900.