GRC 2022 -英雄形象2





平台登录明白,没有人喜欢加息. But, they are critical to keeping reliable, high quality water flowing – now and into the future. 让平台登录仔细看看2022-2024年的一般利率情况.

10月6日, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved SJW’s General Rate Case (GRC) covering the years 2022-2024. 以支付提供优质可靠食水服务的成本, CPUC批准了6%的收入增长.2022年为03%. 利率 and revenues for 2023 and 2024 will subsequently be determined based on authorized utility plant investments and the forecasted change in the consumer price index from the preceding year. 你的账单可能没有反映出这个百分比.

重要的是, this GRC decision includes a three-year capital budget of $350 million to cover infrastructure improvements needed to maintain a resilient system for customers – now and into the future. Continued investments in our water system is critical to protecting public health, 支持经济发展, 为平台登录的客户和社区提供高质量的生活. Recent headlines from around the US show that lack of investment in water infrastructure can lead to significant issues.


Residential customers are charged different 利率 for water depending on their usage levels. 新的费率等级以较低的费率扩展了较低的使用等级. Tiers 1 and 2 (for residential customers using less than 12 CCFs per month) will see 较低的 利率 while Tier 3, those using more than 12 CCFs or units of water per month, will see 更高的 利率. 这有助于通过鼓励减少用水来促进节约用水. 1立方英尺= 100立方英尺= 748加仑水.

GRC 2022的新使用等级


每月每米服务费(所有费率将在平台登录的网站上提供 计费计划页面.)

GRC 2022 -电表新收费

The service charge is designed to recover a portion of the company’s authorized revenue. The new 利率 reflect 55% revenue recovery from quantity charge and 45% revenue recovery from the service charge. 过去,这一比例为60%/40%.


SJW于2021年1月提交了2022年(第一年)的GRC申请。, 2023年(二年级), 及2024年(第三年级). 直到10月6日才收到有关申请的决定, 2022, 在三年利率案例的第一年. 通常, the CPUC decision is received prior to January 1 of Year 1 so 利率 can be implemented immediately for that year.

由于延误, t在这里 will be multiple rate changes over a short-period of time. SJW will file in November to implement the Year 2 increase effective January 1, 2023.


11月1日生效, 2022, new 利率 will go into effect and cover the following CPUC-approved increases.

  • 服务收费-按水表大小计算
  • 按用水量收费
  • 结余帐目附加费
  • 备忘录帐户附加费

Effective a few weeks later, the Interim 利率 surcharge approved by the CPUC will go into effect. 这项附加费的目的是追溯至1月1日收回收入, 2022, 预计每月约为3美元.


For a typical residential customer using 11 CCF of water with a 3/4-inch meter, their monthly bill will increase by a little more than $1 or 1% as shown below.  

GRC 2022决定后的新旧费率清单


这些金额包括公用事业税, 哪些只适用于圣何塞的客户, 及适用于所有客户的CPUC费用. If your consumption is more or less than 11 CCF, the monthly bill will be different. 


请注意票据日期为11月1日, 2022年及以后将包括不按比例分配的新费率. 由于延误, 这些税率追溯至1月1日生效, 2022年,因此可以立即申请. Any consumption billed prior to November 1 at the old 利率 will be recalculated and captured in the Interim 利率 surcharge. 因此,按比例支付账单是没有必要的. 此外, proration would result in a very confusing bill due to the changes in 利率 and rate tiers. 新 计费安排 会在网上提供给您参考吗.   

此外,第二年的新费率将于1月10日生效. 1, 2023.




This increase is necessary for SJW to continue providing safe and reliable water service.



这项附加费是暂时的,预计将持续24个月. Ordinarily, you would have been charged the new rate beginning January 1, 2022. 由于CPUC的延迟,这将从11月1日开始. 附加费是一种“弥补”没有增加的10个月的方式. 


提供安全, reliable water service requires significant infrastructure upgrades to a system that has been in operation since 1866. SJW在投资储罐方面有着悠久的历史, 管道, 处理工厂, 水质技术和其他基础设施. Deferring investment in these areas would only increase costs over time due to system failures. SJW invests over $100 million per year to maintain our system so we can serve more than one million people in our community. 了解更多关于平台登录的基础设施项目 844.web-sitemap.avaikipearl.net/infrastructure.

Does this GRC decision meet the CPUC’s Environmental and Social Justice directives?

重要的是, the final decision recognized SJW’s efforts towards environmental and social justice (ESJ) goals adopted in the CPUC’s February 2019 Environmental and Social Justice Action Plan. 具体地说, it acknowledged our efforts to serve all customers including many who are part of ESJ communities through the:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the accelerated electrification of our fleet, 绿色能源发电, 继续优化平台登录的节能计划;
  • 更换铅管;
  • Fluoridation of a portion of our groundwater supply serving the most vulnerable populations;
  • Investments to improve water quality; and,
  • 通过平台登录的野火缓解计划减轻荒地燃料危害.


SJW受加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)监管。. SJW每三年通过一般费率案件(GRC)程序. During this, the CPUC hands down a decision about 利率 for the following three years. 了解更多关于GRC流程的信息 在这里.


CPUC对a类水务公司采用了三年的收费周期.  Class A Water Utilities like SJWC can only go in every 3 years in the form of General Rate Case filing to update expenses and capital improvement forecast.  CPUC已经制定了如何进行此类预测的规则和指导方针.  在一般情况下, utilities can forecast or request additional expenses up to the Test Year (or Year 1) of the GRC cycle.  Years 2 and 3 are known as escalating years and are normally adjusted based on up to date factors approved by the CPUC. 



关于支付计划的信息- GRC 2022
客户协助计划- GRC 2022




利瓦普- GRC 2022






Your bill will reflect the new 利率 authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission. 因为每个客户都有不同的使用模式, 计的大小, 城市税收要求, 不可能为每个客户提供一个示例.

However, the average residential customer uses 11 CCF of water per month and has a 3/4-inch meter. 这是这个客户的新旧费率对比. 增加了大约1美元或1%. 你的情况可能会有所不同.

GRC 2022决定后的新旧费率清单


这一增长是由于山谷水. DG真人游戏务公司没有保留任何资金.  SJW pays Valley Water when we purchase imported water from one of VW’s 3 water 处理工厂, 或者当平台登录从井里抽取地下水的时候. 这就是平台登录所说的穿透电荷. 更多信息见: http://844.web-sitemap.avaikipearl.net/valley-water-rate-increase-july-1-2022


The CPUC allows certain types of expenses to be tracked outside of the GRC expense forecast process.  These expenses are normally unusual expenses that are not foreseeable when the GRC forecast was conducted.  SJW必须获得授权来跟踪和摊销这些费用.  The balancing and memorandum account amount in the GRC is a combination of many such accounts/expenses approved by the CPUC.  因此在每一个GRC中, the CPUC allows the company to combine all the balancing and memorandum accounts together and amortize them all at once to keep accounts up to date.